Everything Apple Platforms Development and Swift.

Bi-weekly articles on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS development; Swift language and Xcode.

Highlights of SwiftUI Release 3

This year, Apple focused on supporting deeper adoption of the framework for our apps.

Exploring Swift: Enumerated Parallel Tasks withThrowingTaskGroup

This post explores working with parallel tasks with enumerations while maintaining their positions.

Exploring MusicKit: Transient Item

Understanding the meaning of the transient item, errors related to it and using it correctly

Exploring SpriteKit: SwiftUI and SKScene

An introduction to working with SpriteKit, beginning with SpriteView of SwiftUI and SKScene

Exploring MusicKit: Editing Playlists

Creating a custom `LibraryPlaylist` structure to edit user's playlists

Exploring HealthKit: Activity Summary

Fetching the data from activity summary like calories burned, and exercise minutes with async/await alternative

Exploring SwiftUI: New Sheet Modifiers in Xcode 14.3 Beta

Explore the new, exciting sheet modifiers that the SwiftUI team released for us.

Exploring CI/CD: Automating DocC

Provide explicit spacing to inner views inside your VStack and HStack by creating zero spacing stacks.

Exploring Xcode: Adding Custom Fonts with Code Snippets

A step-by-step approach to adding custom fonts easily to your app

Exploring MusicKit: Song Structure with Code Snippets

Understanding the fundamental music item that is present in almost every other music item.

Exploring SwiftUI: Color System

Create a color system in SwiftUI to define all the colors in one place and easily modify them in the future.

Exploring MusicKit: Gradient Background

An attempt to add an animated gradient background similar to Apple Music

Exploring MusicKit: Audio Variants

Exploring the audio variants and how to show them in the app using MusicKit

Exploring MusicKit: Artist Artwork

Get the artist artwork from iTunes website using Open Graph meta tags

Exploring MusicKit: Permissions

Adding the required key for accessing Apple Music and asking the user to give access.